
How To Make Digital Backgrounds

Photography has evolved far across the film cameras that required a dark room to develop photos, the always-pop Polaroid photographic camera, and even the mini digital cameras that dominated in the early 2000s. Photography technology is being tweaked and improved upon with each passing twelvemonth, making it important for commercial photographers to stay up to engagement and in the know about photography innovations in order to stay relevant and profitable.

As many digital photographers know, the way you edit a photo is merely as essential to the quality of your photography as snapping the photo in the first place. Like camera equipment, photo editing software has go far more effective—and circuitous—than their older counterparts. The most popular photograph editing software used past photographers is Adobe Photoshop, which has been a leader in the industry since its inception in 1990. Other photo editing software programs, like Adobe Lightroom, Google's Snapseed, and Photoshop Elements are considered to exist more than accessible than the original Adobe Photoshop

This software allows photographers to create a digital blended that combines unlike images and elements to create a striking result. Using a digital composite, a lensman can add a digital background to their piece of work, superimposing the original background with an entirely new one. The use of a digital photography background tin can identify the photographer's subject into an entirely new globe.

What is a Digital Background?

Product Photography Digital Background

A digital background is a unproblematic idea that involves a complicated process. It is a digital image, a setting or backdrop, that can be digitally manipulated in order to brand it appear that the subject of the photo or video is actually there.

Making the digital groundwork for photos look seamless and realistic is not an easy procedure and involves some skill, considering the subject of the photo will be advisedly cropped out of the original photograph, then re-create-and-pasted on to the digital groundwork.

This is where the skill attribute comes in. The lensman offset must have into account the original backdrop that the subject was photographed against, ensuring that the cloth of the backdrop or setting volition get in easy for them to edit the subject field onto the digital photography background. A solid white background is usually the best selection. The photographer must also note what type of calorie-free source is being used—natural sunlight, fluorescent, incandescent, or studio lighting with reflectors—and where the light is coming from, making certain the lite source from the original photo matches up every bit the 1 used in the digital background.

The photographer or editor will and then have a chance to show off their Photoshop skills (or other editing software talents). They adjust the exposure and saturation levels to make certain that the tone and manner of the photograph match. For the terminal touches, shadows and highlights on both the subject and the digital background must be blended past the photographer, as the automatic part for this on nearly editing software is not up to par. This ensures that the lighting of the original photo and the digital background are consistent throughout. When done correctly, the result is a beautiful, completely transformed image.

Many photograph editors are so skilled at editing, y'all may not fifty-fifty know they used a digital groundwork in the first place. In fact, you lot have likely seen digital backgrounds existence used before, every bit they are a useful tool for creating advertisements in print and online.

Yous should use digital backgrounds if...

You should NOT use digital backgrounds if...

You want to cover up an unsightly background from your original photo.

Your original photograph was already taken in a cute setting.

You shoot digital photography.

You lot shoot flick photography—digital backgrounds are non compatible with picture show photos.

You are looking to make your product photography popular.

You want to take production photos with a large number of items.

You want to add fun and exciting backgrounds to your YouTube or other social media videos.

You do not own a light-green screen, other solid colored backdrop or don't take raw files.

You are proficient at photograph editing software or you are willing to learn.

You are non confident with photo editing software and practise not want to learn how to use it.

Mutual Digital Background Use Cases

Digital backgrounds can be used for a variety of unlike purposes, making them an constructive tool for photographers and editors to add pizzazz to their projects. These are some of the well-nigh pop ways to utilise digital photography backgrounds:

1. Product Photos

Many consumers have turned to online shopping for many of their needs, and information technology is estimated that over 75% of customers take product photos into consideration when online shopping. When a client tin't hold a production in their hands, it is important that the product looks appealing in advertisements and on shopping websites. Digital backgrounds are a powerful way to present products front end and centre in a style that excites potential customers. It'due south an easy for brands to test digital background colors to optimize for conversion rates. Apartment lay is a type of production photography that tin can on occasion apply a digital background.

2. Portraits

While some photographers still use outdated physical backdrops, which can get dirty, go damaged, or not photograph well, many portrait photographers have turned to using digital backgrounds instead. They are a valuable tool to ensure that the subject of the portrait is displayed in a way that customers will enjoy. Digital backgrounds can be seen in nearly every type of portrait photography, including (but non express to):

  • Nuptials photography
  • Newborn photography
  • Fantasy photography
  • School portraits

3. Zoom

Though many people might be tired of hearing well-nigh Zoom, it has become an

invaluable tool for businesses and employees who work from dwelling house. Using digital backgrounds during a Zoom call tin exist a lighthearted way to add a bit of fun to a work 24-hour interval or coming together. Additionally, digital backgrounds can be a lifesaver for people who don't want to display where they really are, whether considering their home is messy or they are somewhere they are not supposed to be.

4. Social Media

With more people using social media than ever before, digital backgrounds have go incredibly popular with content creators on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. There is now a big population of social media "influencers" who use their platform every bit a full fourth dimension job. Using digital backgrounds in their posts, whether a still photo or a video, is a way for content creators to catch the attending of their viewers. The digital backgrounds for photos can provide a cost effective way to create new content while reusing sometime posts.


Digital backgrounds tin be used for more just even so photography! Though using digital backgrounds in a video can be less disarming than one that has been carefully edited past a photographer, they withal offering new avenues for filmmakers and editors to explore. To utilize a digital background for a video, a dark-green screen—or other solid colored backdrop—is required in lodge to digitally remove the original background during the editing process and add in digital backgrounds.

Including these examples, at that place are plenty of ways to employ digital backgrounds in a manner that will excite clients and make photographs or videos more visually appealing.

7 Tips When Using Digital Backgrounds For Production Photography

Deciding to utilise digital backgrounds for your production photography may seem like a daunting procedure, especially if you lot are nevertheless learning how to edit. With a little exercise and a few tricks, using them tin can be a breeze. Here are some tips when using digital backgrounds for production photography:

1. Get comfortable using the editing software of your option.

The near difficult attribute of using digital backgrounds is editing the photo and the groundwork together in order to go far look seamless. The editing procedure cannot be fully automated, making information technology imperative that the editor knows what they are doing and can go far await impressive. Be sure to find an editing software that you like, whether information technology is Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, or something else. Spend time learning how to use it to make sure that yous have the skill that is required to utilise digital photography backgrounds effectively.

2.Cull a digital background before you accept the production photo.

It is much easier to accept a product photo that matches a predetermined digital background than information technology is to try to match a digital background to a photo that has already been taken. By picking a digital background earlier you take product photos, you can take steps to ensure that your production photo will contain the right elements needed to seamlessly blend them together. Yous should choose multiple digital backgrounds to have options to choose from.

three. Think carefully about lighting.

Lighting is 1 of the almost important aspects of product photography. With proper lighting, you accept the power to accept the perfect photo. Without suitable lighting, your photo may be a bomb. While portrait and other types of artistic photography take some wiggle room when it comes to lighting, production photography e'er requires bright and clear lighting. The client needs to exist able to clearly come across every element of the product, including being able to read whatsoever text such as a nutrition label or ingredient list. When choosing lighting, there are questions you will need to ask yourself or your client, depending on their needs:

  • The type of light: natural or artificial
  • Where to place the light source: shut or farther away?
  • How many lights to utilise: a singular, bright source or many soft, less intense lights?
  • Where shadows fall: do they obscure the product?
  • Will you lot need additional lighting equipment, such equally reflectors?
  • Does the lighting in your photo fit with the lighting in the digital groundwork you chose?

4. Use a loftier quality photographic camera.

A camera is the nigh valuable tool in a lensman's armory. Using a quality camera is essential for product photography, because the customer volition need to be able to conspicuously see the product in loftier-resolution. On many online shopping websites, customers have the pick to zoom in on a product photo. If the camera used to take the photo was subpar, the prototype will go blurry. You lot need to make sure that the photograph is able to capture the product, even when magnified. High-quality cameras for product photography can exist expensive, but they are an investment worth the toll for photographers and business owners.

5. Use a tripod.

When practicing product photography, your subject volition not exist moving around—neither should you. Even with a high-quality, expensive photographic camera, your photos can wait unclear due to natural human being movement. Tripods remove the chance of human error, and can make a remarkable divergence in the quality of your photos. Tripods come up in a wide range of price points and tin be fitted to many unlike kinds of cameras. Additionally, tripods create consistency with photoshoots.

6. Take a lot of photos.

Fifty-fifty when you lot experience like y'all have taken too many photos, have some more. Shoot the product from every angle multiple times. Product photography is not a quick process, especially for a quality upshot. The more than options you or your customer have to choose from, the better. You lot may as well find that some angles work ameliorate with your digital backgrounds than others.

vii. Edit, edit, and then edit again.

Editing a photo onto digital backgrounds can exist a tricky and time consuming process, which is why information technology is so important that you do it multiple times. Consider using a few different digital backgrounds (and edit each of those multiple times) then that you have options to choose from. No matter what, keep trying until it looks perfect!

Pros and Cons of Using Digital Backgrounds For Photography

Digital backgrounds have become popular in many artistic circles, but in that location are some photographers and editors who are not sold on them every bit a viable option. When deciding to use digital backgrounds for photography, it is important to consider the pros and cons.

Digital Photography Pros and Cons

Digital backgrounds are an astonishing way to brand an otherwise drab photo heady.

Learning how to make digital backgrounds await seamless and professional person is not an easy chore that requires skill. If y'all are non a proficient photograph or video editor, a digital background could cease up making your epitome expect worse.

Identify your field of study in a setting that would not be able to be visited without digital backgrounds, such equally a mythical forest or under the sea.

Digital backgrounds can be expensive. If you are purchasing a digital background from another editor or photographer, they tin toll a significant corporeality of money.

Digital backgrounds brand products stand out and expect professional.

Depending on the quality of your camera, digital backgrounds can outshine your paradigm.

Use a digital background to hide an unappealing setting or mishaps in the background of the original photo.

Digital backgrounds are not uniform with film photography, which is a dealbreaker for people who shoot exclusively motion picture.

Y'all can add together digital backgrounds to videos or Zoom calls to make settings more exciting.

Using digital backgrounds with videos requires a green screen or other colour properties.

You lot tin brand your ain digital backgrounds and accept consummate control over the artistic process.

Creating your own digital backgrounds is not ever an easy process.

Digital Groundwork Examples

Digital backgrounds tin be seen in almost every type of photography. Sometimes, their utilize is obvious, but other times, you may not exist able to tell at all. Hither are some examples of photos that utilize the use of digital photography backgrounds.

Image source:

This image is a bully instance of a digital background being used in product photography. Information technology features components that digital backgrounds are useful for:

  • Each product stands out
  • Photographer has the power to edit products effectually the digital background
  • The digital background makes information technology easy for customers to clearly meet each product

Image source:

This photograph is an case of digital backgrounds being used in portrait photography. Many photographers who do newborn photography apply digital backgrounds because babies are sensitive to their environs. This photographer is talented at editing the subject and groundwork together seamlessly to create a beautiful finished production.

How to Create Digital Photography Backgrounds

Creating a digital photography groundwork is not all that complicated, and there are a few different means to go about doing so.

ane. Fabricate a digital background in photoshop

Digital backgrounds do not necessarily have to exist another realistic photograph. In fact, you can create a completely new background using a photo editing software, similar Adobe Photoshop. You can leave it apparently, possibly with a single color and some texture, or y'all tin can add together a bevy of new elements to create digital photography backgrounds that resemble a collage.

two. Use a stock image or a photo you took

This may be the easiest selection, as all it requires is another photograph! This can be useful if you take a specific groundwork in mind or a photo you have taken yourself that you would like to use instead. This guide, from BeFunky, shows you how to exercise this using their software, but the premise is like across the lath.

3. Utilize a website to create digital backgrounds for presentations or videos

Using a website similar Canva can assistance you lot create powerful digital backgrounds that y'all can fully customize. For example, while giving a presentation, you can brandish the information yous are giving behind yous using digital backgrounds. This is a solid option for working professionals who want to brand their presentations and meetings more impactful.

Overall, digital backgrounds for photography offer a lot of optionality when information technology comes to creating content. With the proper skillset, a product photography tin take a single image and present a diverseness of options. The content can be used in a multitude of ways to help increment brand awareness and sell more than products.

How To Make Digital Backgrounds,


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