
What Religion Best Fits Me

  1. lorelaiharlow

    Jun 27, 2009
    *notation: PLEASE do not bring Atheism into this. I am not an atheist, and then no need to mention it.

    I usually wouldn't ask this sort of question to a bunch of strangers, but since you all have so much knowledge I thought it'd be a great idea. I experience and then lost. I tried to be a Christian, all the same I experience similar in that location's got to be something out there that is ameliorate for me. EVERY religion has it's flaws though.


    My strong beliefs:
    -Afterlife. I 110% believe in afterlife, due to many reasons. I don't want to make a contend out of it though, and then I volition keep those reasons individual.

    -God. I think God is honey, life, scientific discipline, & beyond. Nonetheless I don't believe that God is personable like the Christians seem to.


    I'm non really keen on the whole Jesus thing.

    If you believe in Jesus, I am sorry if this offends you. For all I know he could be real, very existent. It's just I've never felt his presence.

    Im new hither, btw. Sorry if I seem uptight. The last forum I was on attacked me for tiny minor reasons.

  2. whereismynotecard

    January 15, 2008
    You lot don't have to accept a title for your religion.
    You could merely have all of the ideas you believe
    in them and only believe them. What good
    is a title anyhow?

    Welcome to the forums also.

    • Like Like x ane
  3. rojse

    May 2, 2007
    Hannah has actually said something that is not almost Baggins!

    I hold with Hannah - why constrain yourself with labels?

  4. Alceste

    April 19, 2008
    Hi lorelai. You audio similar a pantheist or panentheist to me (depending on whether yous call up God IS the universe, or entwined with the universe but extends beyond information technology).

    They're both expert descriptions for a person who is corking on God but non so keen on the constraints and dogma of organized organized religion.

    If you like the communal aspect of belonging to a church but the one yous went to didn't do information technology for yous, y'all could always endeavour a non-dogmatic church similar the Unitarian Universalists or United Church, where it's not necessary to believe that Jesus is / was a living God. Lots of Christians just call back of him equally a human teacher and don't believe the miracles and resurrection and all that jazz is literally truthful.

    I am an atheist, by the style. I don't know whether or not that counts as "bringing atheism into this". I'm not going to try to convert yous though - there's null an atheist can convert someone to. :D

  5. Breathe

    Breathe Hostis humani generis

    Oct 5, 2008
    Syncretic, Personal Panentheism
    Me either. :hug: Proficient luck getting in that location though! Oh, and welcome to the forum, promise to see more of you lot! It's squeamish to see where others are going. :)

    Sorry to hear you were attacked on another forum - I know how that feels when you come somewhere looking for answers!

    Lemme see... pantheism or panentheism might go well with yous, or maybe Deism?
    What kind of afterlife do you believe in? Reincarnation? One life, that's it?

    Perhaps you lot should check out some of the Dharmic Religions, such equally Sikhism (which is a faith I adore! - though I don't recollect I could do the "no cutting your hair" thing), Hinduism (there'due south lots of different Hindu groups, nigh are not polytheistic)

    I understand where you're coming from with the whole Jesus affair, only not all faiths regard Jesus as divine :D For example, Islam believes Jesus is human (albeit, a prophet, which is probably non something yous're interested in if you don't regard God as personal :D).

    Have you lot tried the "Belief-o-Matic" quiz?
    Conventionalities-O-Matic -

    If you're up to it, post your religion choices upwards! If you lot can or if you feel up to it, that is. :)

  6. Hi Lorel,

    There seems to exist ii different considerations when talking about a faith.

    i. How you see the 'College Power'


    2. How y'all interact/manipulate it.

    Figure out that then discover a path that suits you


  7. Greetings

    Personally, I am athestic, just I will leave that possibility at the door every bit you lot've said you're not interested. My own behavior tin exist interpreted theistically, although I doubt you'd become very far that fashion.

    I feel that religion should exist about what Y'all believe, rather than nigh what someone else believes. For me, I constitute that I didn't like any organised religion in its entirety, but I liked some aspects of several religions, so I established my ain religion (Current Members: 1 ;)). My indicate is that if you feel y'all aren't hit the blast on the proverbial head then maybe aught is exactly correct for you?

    Would you exist willing to elaborate on what you mean when you say 'God'? Manifestly at that place are then many dissimilar views on what God is that present, when somebody tells me 'I believe in God' i'll be like 'Yeah well...What God?' you know?

    As Odion says, Panentheism or Deism might exist worth checking out, depending, again, on your view of the God you believe to exist

    Good luck towards Ourd


  8. The_Evelyonian

    The_Evelyonian Old-School Member

    Dec 29, 2005
    None (Atheist)
    Hi lorelai, welcome to the forums!

    From the audio of it I would accept to agree with those saying Pantheism, Panentheism, or Deism.

    All the same, if yous don't discover a particular religion that lines up perfectly with what you believe in, that's okay too. As whereismynotecard said, information technology is actually just a title. You know what you believe in and that'south the important affair. Non some proper noun that others attach to your beliefs.

    Peace be with you! :)

  9. rojse

    May 2, 2007
    What nigh Unitarian Universalism?
  10. islam means peace

    May 18, 2008
    Well , lorelaiharlow , Religion is not the thing which one can accept by but thinking what he thinks meliorate , ones thinking might be right or might be wrong. A person can not judge past its own what is right and what is incorrect. It might exist possible that you remember a particular affair good but i volition not OR i retrieve a particular matter very good simply for you its very wrong/bad.

    so who volition tell us what is right and what is wrong ? Surely our Creator Allah (GOD) , let suppose you have to operate a machine in a factory and while operating y'all seen some fault in it , what will you do , Did you make up one's mind by your own that how this problem can exist solve just on your belives , of courcse not yous will contact to the industry of the machine because the person who build this motorcar better knows what to do with this and if you lot are going to repair this automobile by your own surely you lot will be at a loose position

    Similarly , Allah (GOD) our creator knows best nigh united states , what is good for us and what is bad for united states is decided by Allah and not you and me , so the best answer to your question "I Don't Know Which Faith Fits Me Best?" is but what our creator cull for us and that is "Islam"which ways complete submission to the will of Allah.So 'Islam' would mean the path of those who are obedient to Allah and who establish peace with Him and His creatures. Its follower are called Muslims.

    And for your information Islam is not a new religion. It is, in essence, the same message and guidance which Allah revealed to all prophets before Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Allah says in the Qur'ân:

    Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes,and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from theirLord: Nosotros make no distinction between i and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."

    If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never volition information technology be accepted of him; and in the Time to come He volition exist inthe ranks of those who take lost (All spiritual skillful). (Qur'ân Sura 3- ayat 84/85)

  11. Don't accept islam means peace'southward advice to seriously.

    He may be biased


  12. rojse

    May ii, 2007
    So... pray to God and become with whereever that leads y'all, so?

    What if it isn't Islam?

  13. islam means peace

    May eighteen, 2008

    what made you feel this that i may be biased?


    aye ,pray to Allah to show you the right path ,I also pray for you, and what is the right path that is what Allah says and not what you and me think? isn't information technology simple.
  14. Caladan

    Caladan Doubter Pantheist

    Aug 29, 2008
    Are you sure its faith y'all seek and not spiritual practices, or [spiritual] philosophical study?

    Im not proverb you are wrong in your thinking, but I'd withal like to ask, what leads you to believe y'all need to be a member of religion to farther progress your spiritual beliefs?
    as well, are y'all looking to be a member of the mainstream faith or are yous feeling more than comfortable with the more than eccentric and universal side kicks of a mother organized religion?

  15. Considering you think that your religion is the one and only religion despite the fact that there is numerous other beliefs out at that place.

    Sounds like a bias to me.



  16. kai

    May 23, 2006
  17. dgray

    January 13, 2009
    Love lorelaiharlow,

    Have y'all heard about the Baha'i Faith? Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah hath "shed upon the world a radiance, the like of which bygone ages accept never witnessed."

    'Abdu'l-Baha, the eldest Son of Baha'u'llah, wrote that "Honey is the undercover of God's holy Impunity, the manifestation of the All-Merciful, the fountain of spiritual outpourings. Dearest is heaven's kindly low-cal..."

    There is an illustration in the Baha'i Teachings almost how in this life we are developing spiritual faculties that will assist us in the next earth, analogous to the preparation in the womb before the life in this world.

    'Abdu'l-Baha wrote: "Unquestionably there must exist understanding betwixt true religion and science." "Religion and science are the two wings upon which homo's intelligence can soar into the heights, with which the man soul can progress."

    Baha'u'llah taught that God is "immeasurably exalted in His Essence to a higher place the descriptions of His creatures...The birds of men's hearts, however high they soar, can never hope to attain the heights of His unknowable Essence."

    I hope these passages and links below help you in your search, and I would be happy to answer questions.

What Religion Best Fits Me,


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