
How To Fix A Cracked Invisalign At Home

Disaster strikes!

I don't know whether it was because of a little over exuberance in removing my latest aligner, brought on by the thrill of being and so shut to the cease of treatment (tray 31/34), or if it was the event of a few too many "adjustments" to my tray with a smash file, just I accept managed to cleft my #31 Invisalign tray.

Long time readers volition retrieve that there have been a couple of occasions, especially before in my treatment, where I had very slightly croaky i of my Invisalign aligners. Fortunately subsequently a quick consultation with my Orthodontist it was decided that there was no harm done and I could continue wearing them. This time things were just a little more spectacular. Rather than a hairline crack equally my previous ones have been, this aligner is split so that ane part of information technology hangs limply from the other like a floppy, broken limb.

At the moment all the focus of my bottom tray is on opening upward a gap sufficiently wide to let my wayward tooth to move into it. This means that each tray shows a big alter from the last 1 and it has been a struggle to get each new aligner in over the teeth that are moving the near. The aligner also has a slim slice of plastic now at this signal rather than a tooth hole, and information technology is hither that it cracked.

As information technology was number 31 that cracked and I am so close to the end of treatment, my immediate hope was that I could put in tray 32, peradventure habiliment information technology for a little longer, and all the same consummate treatment every bit scheduled. My teeth had other ideas.

A cursory examination of set 32 showed that it was significantly different from set up 31- and so much and then that it was hard to believe the change from 1 to some other. So I knew that it would be a struggle- particularly as I had cracked #31 the showtime fourth dimension that I wore it. Still, I was adamant, and adequately sure I could get the tray in, one way or another.

Gear up 32- the unbroken aligner!
invisalign aligner set 32

After about 2 frustrating minutes of huffing, puffing, wriggling and generally trying to jam my teeth into set 32 I realised that it wasn't going to exist easy. A closer inspection showed that there was a fundamental trouble. One of the movements that set 31 must have been designed to reach was to rotate the lower molar next to the gap. Whilst this might accept non made much difference if the tooth in question did not have an attachment, with an Invisalign button in place it meant that the bubble on the aligner to fit on the zipper was nowhere nigh the zipper itself. There was simply no way of plumbing fixtures the aligner onto my tooth.

To cut a long story and a picayune phone tag brusque, after a rather frantic call on my part, my orthodontist chosen me dorsum to tell me that he has decided that rather than ordering a new #31 aligner- which could take some time given that nosotros are in Australia- he will but do a refinement to become my teeth to where we want them to exist. We are so close to nearly finishing this run, and he already knew that refinements would be necessary, that he has decided on balance that this is the best class. This volition also let him to look at the problem of widening both my arches further and and so volition hopefully solve 2 issues in one cruel swoop.

The only delay at present is that I need to await for my orthodontist to have a long appointment free and then that he can take more impressions of my teeth as they are now. He doesn't have whatsoever for 2 weeks which means that in the meantime I need to wear prepare #30 lower for 22 hours a solar day and set #9 upper of my refinements as a servant at dark. This is fine, other than that sometimes it is hard to remember to put the lower i back in after eating, without the upper one needed as well.

Nonetheless, I am happy to say that subsequently my initial angst I am not too concerned most this temporary hiccup. I think it may plow out not to delay my handling too much in the cease, and might actually motility me towards getting my upper arch perfect more quickly. No incertitude it is all part of life's rich Invisalign journey! Onwards and up..


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