
How To Change My Keurig Water Filter

In most homes, mornings are welcomed with a succulent cup of coffee. These cups of java can exist fabricated by mitt similar decadent hand-baste coffee, or quick and like shooting fish in a barrel with the help of a keurig coffee maker. Usually, people adopt to use a Keurig since information technology is ever a fight confronting time every morning.

How To Change Keurig Water Filter? Step-By-Step Guides introduction

Since you lot found this article, we are guessing that you own a Keurig, and it is probably the one affair dragging you out of bed everyday with the smell of your favorite coffee. However, simply as your Keurig looks later on you, you must look after it as well, otherwise the coffee it brews and the machine may lose its quality over time.

You might retrieve it is plenty maintenance with daily cleaning, descaling information technology in one case in a while, and cleaning the water reservoir, but did you know that the water filter also needs attention?

Keurig java machines brew single-serving cups of coffee by passing h2o through single-serve plastic capsules like a grand-cup. A little charcoal filter is included in each Keurig, which cleanses the water that is used to make your loving cup of java. But like routine descaling, these filters also demand to exist replaced.

A charcoal water filter is included in most Keurig coffee machines. Minerals and other contaminants are removed from the water used to mash your 1000-cup pods with this filter. Keep reading for answers to a variety of frequently asked questions concerning Keurig coffee machine filters, including step-past-step guide on how to replace a Keurig water filter.


  • Is The Keurig H2o Filter Necessary?
  • Do Keurigs Have Built-In Water Filters?
  • Do Keurig Filters Need To Be Replaced?
  • What Kind Of Water Filter Does My Keurig Use?
  • What Happens If The Water Filter Is not  Replaced?
  • Where Tin You lot Get The Keurig Water Filter Cartridges?
    • Water Filters Replacement by Possiave
    • Keurig Water Filter Refill Cartridges
  • What You lot Will Need Before Getting Started
  • Pace-By-Pace Guide to Changing Out Your Keurig Water Filter
    • Function 1: Removing the old water filter cartridge
    • Part 2: Putting in the new water filter cartridge
  • Conclusion

Is The Keurig Water Filter Necessary?

This is a frequently asked field of study; people truly believe they could get away without using a h2o filter. This, however, is untrue. Near coffee machines, including the Keurig K200 and all Keurig machines, characteristic a water filter for a reason.

Chlorine, calcium, and other pollutants can be removed from your water with a charcoal filter. These minerals can build up in your unit of measurement more rapidly if you lot do not take one. This tin accept an effect on the brewing organisation's operation as well as the taste of your coffee.

Is The Keurig Water Filter Necessary?

If you do not use a filter, your machine will need to be descaled more frequently than the usual 3-6 months. Because descaling can be a time-consuming task, using the water filters and replacing them would be a more easier option.

If y'all are using filtered h2o in your car, you might not require a filter. If you are utilizing h2o fresh from the tap, though, having one is critical. Moreover, if yous know your tap water is difficult h2o which is heavy in minerals, a filter volition be necessary to go on your coffee machine in adept working order. Hard water will cause mineral buildup easily. If you are unsure about the mineral content of your water, yous can always purchase a cheap h2o testing kit.

Exercise Keurigs Have Congenital-In Water Filters?

A water filter is included in most Keurig coffee machines. The Yard-Mini series, the K15, the Rivo, and whatsoever small function brewer, on the other mitt, practise not. The other models are divided into three water filters categories: classic, alpine handle, and short handle.

The water filter is positioned in the rear or side water reservoir of the auto. Y'all may access your coffee machine'south water filter by completely removing the h2o reservoir top.

Do Keurig Filters Need To Be Replaced?

The purifying filter in your Keurig'south water reservoir is simply skilful for a certain number of mash cycles, not a specific amount of time. The less you utilise your Keurig, the less oftentimes it will need to exist replaced.

According to the official Keurig website, yous should change your water filter every two months. To keep your water tasting clean and delicious, supercede your water filter every lx tank refills for optimal results; this will help eliminate and remove chlorine from your water.

Do Keurig Filters Need To Be Replaced?

When the charcoal filter is exhausted, information technology volition no longer make clean the h2o in the reservoir every bit effectively as it should. This will touch on non only the coffee's quality, but also how rapidly particulates build upwardly inside the maker.

Because it aids in the removal of contaminants, changing the filter at the recommended intervals or more frequently is the all-time way to maintain your coffee tasting as delicious every bit information technology did on day one. Replacing the water volition reduce your chances of ruining great tasting beverages.

You lot may also notice blinking light mistake warnings on your Keurig from time to time, indicating that the filter needs to be changed. Some newer Keurig models let you lot ready a water filter reminder, so you do not have to judge when information technology's time to supervene upon the filter.

What Kind Of Water Filter Does My Keurig Utilise?

If you need a new water filter holder, make certain you obtain the correct 1 for your automobile. The K-Classic, the tall handle, and the short handle are the iii varieties of holders.

Keurigs that have the series numbers starting with 44, 45, 48 utilize the K-Classic h2o filters. Those with serial numbers starting with 55, the K-Supreme, K-Supreme Plus, K-Duo Plus, K-Cafe use the tall handle water filters. While the M-Duo, G-Duo Essentials, K-Latte use the short handle h2o filters.

And if yous are still unsure of which water filter holder to become, just simply go on google and practise a quick internet search for the type that will fit your automobile.

What Happens If The H2o Filter Is not  Replaced?

Even if you do not supercede the water filter, your machine will still brew java. However, a lack of one tin can crusade mineral buildup in your figurer over fourth dimension. As a outcome, you will have to descale your system more than frequently than those who do non.

Descaling a Keurig can take a long fourth dimension, and if not washed on a regular ground, the minerals left in the brewer might crusade the machine to intermission down. This could upshot in leaks and other issues with water pumping, brewing speed, and the amount of java produced.

Where Tin You Go The Keurig H2o Filter Cartridges?

These water filter cartridges tin can be found mostly in every supermarket and even online. Water filters from the Keurig usually price betwixt $1.50 and $iii.l per cartridge. At that place are besides a variety of starter kit alternatives to option from. A two-pack will go along you going for four months, a six-pack for a year, and a 12-pack for ii years.

Hither are some of our favorites.

Water Filters Replacement by Possiave

The water filters are ones composed of fine charcoal only like these ones, which can eliminate harmful pollutants, calcium, chlorine, and smells, minimize limescale, and extend the life of your coffee machine. Furthermore, it tin even heighten the flavor of your coffee.

This charcoal water filter replacement is compatible with Keurig 2. 0 brewer, Elite B40, Archetype B44, Ultra B50, Special Edition B60, Ultimate B66, Platinum B70, Platinum K79 Plus, Officepro B145, B140, B145, B40, B45 Elite, B60, B68, B70, B75, B79, B80, K145, K155, K200, K350, K40, K45 Elite, K500, K60, K65, K66, K75.

What we do not similar:

  • Reports of charcoal leaking into the water reservoir
  • Reports of filter causing mold to abound within the water reservoir
Keurig Water Filter Refill Cartridges

Two replacement filters are included in this water filter cartridge refill pack for your Keurig water filter beginning kit accessory (sold separately). Simply insert a cartridge into the water filter assembly and into the reservoir.

Supervene upon your water filter cartridge every two months or 60 tank refills for all-time results. These water filter cartridges are compatible with most Keurig reservoir java brewers. The modest brewing system, mini plus brewing system, b145 OfficePRO brewing system, and Rivo system are non uniform with this.

What we like:

  • Reasonably priced
  • Keurig water filter cartridges made for Keurig machines

What we do not like:

  • Reports of filter making beverages tasting like rust
  • Reports of filter not fitting properly

Now, finally moving on to the fun office. Below, nosotros will guide you through all the steps needed to supplant your Keurig water filter.

What You Will Need Earlier Getting Started

  1. Your Keurig coffee maker: Make sure you have your Keurig set up before yous kickoff.
  2. Keurig h2o reservoir: There is a possibility that you lot might demand a new one too.
  3. H2o filter cartridges: You lot will need new filter cartridges to supplant the used ane in your motorcar.
What You Will Need Before Getting Started 

Step-By-Step Guide to Changing Out Your Keurig Water Filter

Nosotros will divide this into two parts, removing the old cartridge and putting in the new one.

Part one: Removing the old water filter cartridge

Remove the reservoir

Take off the Keurig water reservoir's top. In near Keurigs, the water reservoir is usually found on the left side or the rear of the machine. The h2o filter can be accessed by completely removing the reservoir'southward height. You can still change the filter even if there is still some water left over in the tank.

Remove the filter piece

The filter unit of measurement will demand to be removed from the water tank. The upper filter holder'southward handle will be sticking up in the h2o storage. Pull the handle out of the tank with a strong grip.

  • The base of the filter-holder part will be secured in the water reservoir's plastic grooves. To remove the filter device, you may need to wiggle information technology back and forth to loosen it or requite it a house tug.
  • Your Keurig filter will be black colored with a circular timer on the end if you lot have a Classic serial Keurig. The filter on a K200 Plus is articulate and shorter, while the filters on the K300 and above versions are tall, thin, and articulate.

Accept out the old filter cartridge

Remove the used filter from the filter holder and dispose of it. Pinch the tabs at the base of operations of the filter slice with your forefinger and pollex. Pull the lower filter holder down to remove it, and so take out the old filter. The used cartridge can hands be discarded with normal trash.

Function two: Putting in the new h2o filter cartridge

Getting new filter cartridges:

Purchase a new filter pack for your Keurig. Yous will need to purchase a set of Keurig water filters because they're not sold individually. They're usually sold in packs of half dozen or twelve.

  • Keurig filters are sold in the same stores where Keurig machines are sold, too as in whatsoever business or department store that sells housewares or big supermarkets. Filter sets are reasonably priced. The price of a bundle might vary between $five and $10 depending on the amount of dissimilar filters included.
  • There are besides plenty of websites selling them online too, and unremarkably with gratuitous standard shipping.

Prepping the new filter

Soak the filter around v to 10 minutes in water. The new filter must soak and absorb water earlier being installed in your Keurig and used to brew the very first cup of coffee. Place the filter in a drinking glass or dish one-half-filled with water. While the filter is soaking, make sure it is completely submerged. You will know it is ready when it sinks to the lesser.

Rinsing the filter cartridge

Clean the filter by rinsing it. After the filter has finished soaking, rinse it with tap water for best results. Maintain a gentle flow of tap water while rinsing the filter for at least a full infinitesimal.

  • Clean the filter holder: Remove the lower filter holder and rinse it. On the lesser side of the lower filter holder, there will be a thin mesh layer. Remove any droppings or pollutants that have accumulated during usual use by rinsing with tap h2o.
  • Put in the new filter: In the filter-housing unit of measurement, replace the filter. Identify the new filter in the filter holder so that the rounded height side is facing up. Snap the filter holder's 2 edges together around the filter.
  • Ready the dial: Rotate the punch to the month when the filter has to exist replaced adjacent. Older filter holders just prove a unmarried month, however, newer ones show when the new filter was installed and when information technology should be replaced besides.
  • Put everything back together: Insert the h2o filter slice dorsum into your machine once information technology has been reassembled. When firmly placed into the reservoir's bottom, the external side of the filter holder will click back into place. The holder usually fits inside snuggly if inserted properly. If it does not snap dorsum into place, run across if y'all have aligned information technology properly with the grooves before trying again.


This commodity has almost everything you will need to know about irresolute out your Keurig water filter. Do non forget to add this to your java auto maintenance routine. Accept fun with your new noesis of water filters and go along to bask delicious cups of coffee every day.


  • How To Replace Keurig Filter – Keurig Water Filter Instructions | The Cozy Coffee | David Dewitt
  • How to replace your Keurig h2o filter | CNET | Taylor Martin
  • Everything Yous Need To Know Near How To Modify A Keurig Water Filter | My Morning time Espresso | Michael C.

Check out: Keurig Charcoal Water Filter Cartridges Change By Crucial Coffee

How To Change My Keurig Water Filter,


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