
How To Fix A Water Damaged Laptop Screen

Yesterday took autonomously and repaired my notebook LCD screen with h2o damage. The screen itself was working just fine but information technology had two dissimilar issues.

– previous owner spilled h2o on the laptop. Somehow the h2o got inside the LCD screen and left stains inside the screen. The water marks were very noticeable on a white groundwork and it was very irritating.
– the screen also had grit and lint inside also very noticeable on a white background. I take no thought how it got in there but I decided to clean it upwardly too.

To set up both bug I had to open up up the LCD screen. This was my start experience on opening a notebook screen. I was pretty confident because I didn't actually intendance if I break the screen, I just wanted to know if information technology's possible to fix it.

Warning: the LCD screen can be easily damaged if y'all open it upward. If you practise something wrong the screen might get completely unusable and you'll accept to buy a new screen. Information technology's very expensive. Think twice before you decide opening the screen. Continue at your own risk.

Here'south my Dell Breadth D610 notebook with water damaged screen I'm going to take apart.
Start of all remove the battery from the notebook.

Laptop screen repair

Lift upwardly rubber screw seals and remove all screws.

Remove LCD bezel

Carefully separate the screen bezel from the LCD comprehend and remove the bezel.
Open notebook display

Remove two screws from the front and 2 screws from both sides.

Remove LCD screen

Carefully remove the LCD screen from the cover and place it on the notebook base. Disconnect the video cable and the inverter board cable.

Disconnect LCD cables

On this model the inverter board is attached to the screen with two screws. Remove both screws, disconnect the screen cable and remove the inverter board.

Remove screen inverter

Carefully peel off sticky tape and foil and put information technology aside. You'll have to put information technology back in identify during the screen reassembly.
Remove securing tape

Remove two screws from both sides of the screen.

Remove screws from both sides

Carefully place the screen upside down on a apartment surface. Carefully unglue the film that covers the circuit board and remove two screws from the lath (superlative circles). I wasn't really sure if I accept to remove screws on the bottom, then I removed them simply in case. Exercise not touch the circuit board with fingers.
Open LCD screen

Afterward both screws are removed yous should be able to lift upwardly the excursion board. Exist careful, it's still fastened to the LCD.

Lift up circuit board

Outset unsnapping the metal frame from the screen. At that place are a lot of latches on all sides of the screen. Y'all tin unlock them with nails or a pocket-sized flat head screwdriver.

Unsnap LCD screen frame

After all latches are opened you should exist able to separate the screen into three pieces: metal frame, LCD and groundwork (not sure near correct technical name).
If yous have lint or dust inside the screen, probably you'll find it between the LCD and the background. Do non touch LCD or background with your fingers. I was able to remove dust and lint up with a very soft cloth, barely touching the LCD and background surfaces.
After I split the screen I plant that the groundwork has a few some kind of optical layers (3 transparent sheets) and in my case they were damaged past water. The water dried out and left stains between these optical layers.
In my example removing dust and lint wasn't enough and I had to go further.
Split notebook screen

Very carefully separate the LCD with attached circuit lath from the background.
Separate LCD

To remove damaged optical layers it's necessary to remove metal locks on both sides of the screen. It's similar a small clip that keeps layers in place.
Remove screen locks

Subsequently I removed both clips, I was able to look between the layers. At first I tried to clean upwards the stale water marks with a soft fabric but it didn't help. The stains were still visible and didn't desire to go away.
Fortunately I had another similar screen laying around, it had a cracked LCD. I decided to borrow the optical layers from the cracked screen and transfer them to my screen. I wasn't certain if it's going to work, but as I mentioned before I didn't really intendance if I break the screen. It was only an experiment.
So I disassembled the croaky screen and advisedly transferred the white groundwork and all transparent layers to my screen.
transfer damaged screen layers
After that I assembled my screen back removing dust and lint with a very soft cloth. Breathlessly connected my new screen to the notebook. Turned it on and…
That's a miracle, it works!
No dust, no lint, no h2o mars inside the screen! It'south clear and the background is absolutely clean!
LCD screen works again

My donor screen had a cracked LCD but information technology had a good working backlight tube. The backlght tube is very fragile and it'southward located inside a metal casing. I didn't remove the backlight tube, I just broke off the unabridged metal casing from the plastic frame. I'm going to use this backlight tube for testing purposes.
Test backlight bulb

How To Fix A Water Damaged Laptop Screen,


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